Refund Policy

At AcademiaScribes, we strive to provide high-quality academic writing services that meet the needs and expectations of our clients. However, we understand that there may be instances where you are not completely satisfied with the work we have provided. In such cases, we offer a fair and transparent refund policy to address your concerns.

Eligibility for Refunds

You may be eligible for a refund if one or more of the following conditions apply:

  • The completed work does not meet the initial requirements or instructions provided in your order.
  • The work contains significant errors, inconsistencies, or lacks coherence, which cannot be adequately addressed through revisions.
  • The work is delivered after the agreed-upon deadline, and the delay is not due to circumstances beyond our control.
  • The work is found to contain plagiarized content, despite our guarantee of originality.

Refund Request Process

If you believe you are eligible for a refund, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact our customer support team within 7 days of receiving the completed work, or within 7 days after the work has been marked, outlining the reasons for your refund request.
  2. Provide any relevant documentation or evidence to support your claim, such as the original instructions, the completed work, and any communication with our team.
  3. Our team will review your request and the associated materials to determine the validity of your claim.
  4. If your request is approved, we will process the refund within 10 business days using the same payment method you used to place the order.

Partial Refunds

In some cases, we may offer a partial refund if the work partially meets your requirements or if the issue can be resolved through revisions. The amount of the partial refund will depend on the scope of the work completed and the extent of the issues identified.

Refund Limitations

Please note that the following scenarios are not eligible for refunds:

  • Requests made after the 7-day window following the delivery of the completed work or after the assignment has been marked by your institution.
  • Requests where the client has not provided clear instructions or has changed the requirements midway through the writing process.
  • Requests where the client has not provided sufficient time for revisions or has not responded to our requests for clarification.
  • Requests where the client has already received the completed work and used it for their academic purposes.

Our Commitment to Quality

At AcademiaScribes, we are committed to delivering high-quality academic writing services that meet or exceed your expectations. We believe in transparent and fair practices, and our refund policy is designed to address any legitimate concerns you may have about the work we provide. If you have any further questions or need assistance with a refund request, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team.

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Struggling with a tough assignment or facing a tight deadline? Our brilliant academic minds are available 24/7 to provide you with the expert writing guidance and personalized support you need - simply click to connect with us anytime.